The weak force is what causes radioactive decay. It’s also what has made life on Earth possible.
Forge of Heaven
The strong force is a complex interaction that holds nuclei of atoms together. It is also the force that lets stars create the elements we see around us.
Dance of the Hag
Electromagnetism can produce a force between charges or magnets, but it is much more than a simple force.
Cradle to Grave
We often speak of gravity as a force. More accurately it is a feature of spacetime. Even more accurately, we don’t know what it is.
The Four Horsemen
There are four fundamental forces in the universe, and each of them plays a crucial role in astrophysics.
Need for Speed
Scientists have not proven the speed of light isn’t constant.
Pointed Debate
There is still much debate about black hole singularities, even though it’s pretty clear black holes exist.
Wishing Doesn’t Make It So
When our science fiction dreams run into the limitations of science itself, some barriers simply can’t be broken.
Grading on the Curve
A team of physicist have measured a variation of gravity known as curvature for the first time.