If you put a satellite in just the right orbit, it will appear to be parked in the sky.
Holding Measurements To A Higher Standard
Our measurements of the universe require a standard basis of units. Defining those standards poses certain challenges. After all, how to you measure something that is used to define your measurements?
Can We Break The Laws of Physics?
One of the assumptions most scientists have about the universe is that there are absolute physical laws that describe or govern the behavior of the cosmos. They’re often referred to as the laws of physics.
Could We Ever Build A Time Machine?
When Einstein developed his gravitational theory of general relativity, some physicists began to wonder if time travel might actually be possible.
How to Travel Faster Than Light Without Really Trying
It turns out there are several ways things can travel faster than light, depending on what you mean by a “thing,” “faster-than-light,” and “travel”.
Does the Aether Exist? Hint: No
An interesting aspect of science history is that you can see how theoretical ideas rise and fall based upon the evidence. Models are proposed, experiments are made disproving them, and then the hammer falls. One such idea is that of the luminiferous Aether.
The Brilliance of Scientific Assumptions
How extrapolating beyond simple scientific facts takes our understanding into uncharted waters.
What If Light Had No Speed Limit?
What would the universe be like if the speed of light were infinite?
Lift You Up
It’s often said that planes fly thanks to the Bernoulli principle. In fact, it’s a bit more complicated.