The Sun occasionally enters an extended period of minimum sunspot activity. Is another minimum period coming soon?
Did You Feel That?
Given the rising popularity of One Universe at a Time, I’ve had to upgrade my hosting level. If you’re reading this, then the upgrade has already happened. Everything should be the same with one exception, and that is the site is now working on https rather than old school http. Now you can read about the universe with encrypted security. …
Media Day
[av_video src=’′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′] This morning a Universe Today video on the size of the universe was released, which I helped write. Then in the afternoon I was on Connections with Evan Dawson, where we talked about the latest news about the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, science communication and a range of other astronomical topics. You can check out that interview here. For those …
Welcome to the New Server
There’s no new post today because I’ve been transferring things to the new server. If you’re reading this, then it has worked. There will likely be some changes due to the transfer, but overall nothing should change. I’ll return to the regularly scheduled programing soon.
NASA Outreach
You may have heard about NASA’s budget woes and how that impacts most of their outreach programs. It means we not only lose programs such as the annual NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory open house and CosmoQuest, but also programs such as the one I worked with this past weekend. It is a project called NASA Science and Technology on the Family Calendar.
False Dawn
Most of the solar system lies within a flat plane. The plane in which the Earth orbits is known as the ecliptic, and the orbits of the other seven planets are all within a few degrees of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is usually defined as the path the Sun traces through the sky in a given year. Because of the …
Spam and More Spam
I’ve turned off Wordpress comments for now. I just don’t have the time to delete 30 spam messages a day.
First World Problems
If you try to compute an N-body problem in Mathematica on a laptop, you’re going to have a bad time.
Blog Questions
My website has been up and running for a week now. I have a few questions for the more experienced.