The delayed choice experiment has been performed in the lab. What the results say about the nature of reality isn’t quite what many claim.
Bag of Holding
When traveling, it would be nice to have a bag of holding.
The Left Hand of Darkness
The universe is made of matter, but particle physics shows that matter and antimatter should be created in equal amounts. So where’s the antimatter?
Heart of the Matter
Einstein’s last paper of 1905 gave us his most famous equation, and led us to a true understanding of the stars.
Lunchtime Doubly So
How Einstein used the invariant speed of light to overturn a view of space and time that had stood for centuries.
Bit by Bit
Einstein’s solution of the photoelectric effect was to propose that light is made of photons. His work ushered in the age of quantum theory.
Shake, Rattle and Roll
Einstein’s theory of Brownian motion gave atoms an experimental footing, and brought together Newtonian mechanics with chemistry and thermodynamics.
Wonder Year
In 1905 Einstein published four papers that revolutionized science. For this reason 1905 is sometimes called Einstein’s wondrous year.
When I See An Elephant Fly
NASA has not claimed to have discovered warp drive.