Today is pi day, which means an obligatory post on that most famous of irrational numbers.
Heisenberg’s Mirror
To really understand the universe, we sometimes have to view things through Heisenberg’s mirror.
Wants And Needs
If you ever want an interesting conversation with a physicist, ask them about free will.
Could You Build A Helium Star?
Building a star isn’t simply a matter of gathering enough mass. The type of matter you use greatly affects the behavior of your star.
Using Light To Simulate Time Travel
In a recent work published in Nature, a team simulated the possible effect of a time machine using polarized light.
Yep, The Universe Is Not A Hologram
At Fermilab an experiment known as the holometer was devised to look for evidence of this holographic effect, and the first results are in.
Back To The Future Is Easy – It’s Back To The Past That’s Hard
As far as time travel is concerned, making the journey from 1985 to 2015 is easy.
Cosmic Expansion and Tired Light
If light from a distant galaxy is redshifted, and the energy of a photon depends upon its wavelength, doesn’t that mean the photon is spontaneously losing energy? What about conservation of energy?
Parking Orbit
If you put a satellite in just the right orbit, it will appear to be parked in the sky.