I used to be amused by emails claiming Nibiru is going to kill us or the Earth is flat. I’m not amused any more.
A Man For All Seasons
If you look at the science contained in the NIPCC report, it leads to one clear conclusion.
The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
When it comes to bias, who do you believe?
Thirty Helens Agree
It’s often said that 97% percent of scientists believe in global warming, but that isn’t true.
A Convenient Truth
A new series looking at Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming.
Legends Of The Cold
The Little Ice Age is a period of legendary cold in England, but are the historical reports accurate?
Ups and Downs
The Sun orbits the center of the Milky way at a speed of about 230 km/s, taking about 250 million years to go around the galaxy once. It is a period of times sometimes referred to as a galactic year. But the Sun does not move in a simple circle or ellipse as the planets move around the Sun. This is due to the fact that the mass of the galaxy is not concentrated at a single point, but is instead spread across a plane with spiral arms and such. As a result, while the Sun orbits the galaxy it also moves up and down across the galactic plane. While the Sun is above the plane, the mass of the galaxy works to move it downward, and when below the plane the mass pulls it upward. As a result the Sun oscillates through the galaxy, crossing the galactic plane once every 30 million years or so.