We’ve long had indirect evidence that different types of neutrinos can oscillate into other types of neutrinos. We now have direct detection of this effect.
Time’s Arrow
In physics events are often time symmetric, so why is it that time so clearly seems to have a specific direction?
At Least There Is Symmetry
When an object absorbs light, it must have been emitted by something earlier. Does that mean when light is emitted it must be absorbed?
Real and Unreal
The delayed choice experiment has been performed in the lab. What the results say about the nature of reality isn’t quite what many claim.
Bag of Holding
When traveling, it would be nice to have a bag of holding.
Wonder Year
In 1905 Einstein published four papers that revolutionized science. For this reason 1905 is sometimes called Einstein’s wondrous year.
When I See An Elephant Fly
NASA has not claimed to have discovered warp drive.
The Universe is Still Not a Hologram
New theoretical work on the holographic principle is interesting, but the universe is still not a hologram.
This Sucker’s Nuclear?
Radioisotope thermoelectric generators, or RTGs are used to power spacecraft when solar panels aren’t up to the job.