Comments on: The Magic Rock Brian Koberlein Tue, 19 Feb 2019 13:26:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Norton Mon, 31 Jul 2017 00:32:09 +0000 Fundamental dose not change intrinic properties;it isn’t transforming into anything else .speed of light is the same way we measure time and length,Yes Brian you are talking Kg but Cesium is the 55th element in the periodic table ,when this element lowers one’s energy it changes to a photon 54,a well particular well defined energy,if you take 9,192,631,770 Cycles of that photon,that’s how we define one second.
If you take the distance it travels in 30,663,319 Cycles after you divide
9,192,631,770 divided by 299,792,458
m/ s you get the definition of a meter.
This reaches us some measurement is by light and the cycles of a photon and as long as atom are the same throughout the universe then we also could communicate with aliens that way
Why can’t we measure weight that way a rock in France or Max Planck way is ok, but this needs modifications don’t you think?Thank you for sharing Professor Brian Koberlein from Robert Norton

By: Alipasha Sadri Wed, 19 Jul 2017 19:53:01 +0000 Very informative and clear as always 🙂 @veritasium on YouTube recently published a video about this subject. It is worth mentioning for those who like to actually *see* the specimens and apparatus that is used by the standard defining bodies 🙂
