Comments on: A Man For All Seasons Brian Koberlein Tue, 19 Feb 2019 13:26:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brian Koberlein Fri, 17 Nov 2017 15:16:50 +0000 No, he doesn’t. Saying we should focus on policy is an attempt to deflect the discussion away from the evidence. If we agreed on the evidence, then it would be reasonable to argue for policy discussion. But JohnA disputes the evidence presented in the post, and rather than providing counter evidence, urges us to change the subject. You make the same argument by claiming the Heartland Institute is a straw man. It is not. The booklet discussed here is by far the most widely disseminated anti-climate position, and it was specifically targeted at teachers in an effort to sway minds. It is therefore perfectly valid to critique it.

By: Michael Hendrickson Fri, 17 Nov 2017 04:54:32 +0000 JohnA makes a valid point and a worthy plea to move the discussion toward policy relevance. One could argue that the choice to delve into a Heartland Institute publication is an effort to choose a straw man.

By: Trevor Marsh Wed, 20 Sep 2017 16:16:31 +0000 I’ve just read your series and found it fascinating ; I’ve always felt when reading many, if not all, anti-climate change articles that something was “off” in the way they put forward their arguments but have never been able to put my finger on why they did so.
I’ve never come across a definition of “framing” before but now I have I know why they’ve seemed “off”; thanks for the article and for your site and the work you put into it.

By: Brian Koberlein Mon, 07 Aug 2017 15:26:03 +0000 Any teacher is absolutely free to use/reprint these articles for their classes.

By: Tino Mon, 07 Aug 2017 04:06:57 +0000 Can’t we send your 4 blog entries to the 300.000 teachers?

By: Brian Koberlein Tue, 18 Jul 2017 16:22:59 +0000 You’re being disingenuous on two levels. First, the Heartland Institute and the NIPCC specifically promote the report as an unbiased “second opinion” on the IPCC work. It’s clear that the report not only obfuscates the facts, it intentionally lies about known data. The “both sides do it” argument is weak tea at best. Second, the Marcott paper is just one out of thousands. Thousands of papers confirm both an unprecedented rate of global temperature rise and a strong connection to human activity. If the Marcott paper were the only paper to support AGW, then you’d have an argument that more evidence is needed to support an “extraordinary claim.” It’s not the only paper, and you know that. The claim that AGW is unfounded is nonsense.

By: Jpatrick Tue, 18 Jul 2017 16:10:22 +0000 The document from the Heartland Institute is intended to influence opinions, and for that reason it is, by definition propaganda. As you point out, some of the issue framing and other tactics aren’t completely honest. There’s a lot of propaganda and dishonest rhetoric on the other side of this discussion as well.

Now, I’m not here to call the Marcott et al. paper propaganda, though it certainly has been used that way. I find the presentation problematic, since it appends higher resolution thermometric data to low resolution proxy data. Furthermore, though you can apply parametric statistics to come up with a “1 sigma” error range, I’m left thinking that the uncertainty is understated, perhaps considerably so. Why? It’s because we are dealing with proxies, and multiple ones at that.

A proxy measures something else, to imply what the temperature might have been. There is a chain of assumptions involved in the proxy, any of which could falsify the temperature output.

I regard the claim that anthropogenic CO2 is driving up global temperature at “unprecedented rates” to be an extraordinary claim. Marcott’s paper just isn’t extraordinary evidence.

By: Elver S.S. Tue, 18 Jul 2017 15:12:51 +0000 I have been looking for an example of framing and I think I just found one. I wonder Dr. Koberlein, is JohnA’s first paragraph an example of framing? JohnA starts by being sympathetic and then proceeds to question your blog post series claiming you are not being fair for not doing a similar take down of those that hold views different to the NIPCC. This implies to me that your blog posts on NIPCC should be ignored until you provide a counter-balanced blog post series. Am I hot? Cold? Warm?

JohnA continues the comment in the second paragraph by making a statement of fact (there’s no question that substantial uncertainty exists with respect to understanding and projecting the future of Earth’s climate) without providing references.


By: John A Tue, 18 Jul 2017 04:30:00 +0000 Brian – I enjoy your blog and appreciate that you are fair-minded and consistent in your discourse. I do think though that your posts on the NIPCC are lacking in context. You could just as easily point out deficiencies or questionable presentation in various documents published by strong supporters of global warming. The issue has been highly politicized, which in turn unavoidably has an impact on how it’s discussed.

At a high level, there’s no question that substantial uncertainty exists with respect to understanding and projecting the future of Earth’s climate. As a result, there is substantial uncertainty with respect to what public policies are best to pursue and what impact they would have, even if it is accepted that humans are the primary cause of recent warming trends.

The NIPCC, yourself, and most others are framing this issue in largely binary terms – there is or is not man-made global warming. Yet, that’s a largely irrelevant issue from a policy standpoint, because even purely natural warming could invite policy responses, while even purely man-made warming could nonetheless justify little in the way of policy response (depending on severity and the degree to which policy would mitigate it).

Your points individually are valid, but your approach was myopic in the broader context of the climate change issue.

By: Another Wayne Mon, 17 Jul 2017 18:21:21 +0000 Thank you for the polite and professional call-out. I wonder if you could get the list of the 300,000 teachers this BS has been sent, and send them your four posts as a retort.

By: Wayne Sun, 16 Jul 2017 20:00:18 +0000 Thank you for taking the time and energy to explain this so well.

When you think of how few people will be able to see through the deception, it is fascinating to show how it is exposed through a non-emotional, methodical, scientific approach.

The only reason I can see for these people promoting this kind of deception is one of the following: (1) money, power and/or fame/attention for themselves; (2) the same for whatever group or groups is supporting/promoting them that wants things to remain the same; (3) anxiety, guilt, and/or fear in the realization that what we do does have an affect on our environment and that it cannot continue forever on the same path without some changes; (4) some combination of the above.

The thing that never ceases to amaze me is how humans can go down the path of denial to the point where it makes no sense whatsoever – like rats fighting on a sinking ship rather than repairing the ship – do any of these same people have or plan to have grandchildren? Do they simply have an unending faith that humans will somehow technologically be able to “fix” all of this if it were ever to get too bad? Or do they simply not think there is any kind of problem at all?

The sad part of the latter idea is that if they simply do not think there is any kind of real problem at all, and if we continued on the same path using that thinking, and it turned out they were wrong – then we are in serious, serious trouble.

If, however, the “other side” (since this screams of the “us” versus “them” mentality) ended up being wrong after cleaning up our use of energy, then what would be the problem? Cleaner air and water while things continued to get warmer?

Seems like a much better gamble to me.

Especially if I were gambling my great-grandkid’s lives on it.

By: Luis Alejandro Aguirre Sun, 16 Jul 2017 00:39:05 +0000 I just wanna say thanks a lot for your great posts, especially for these about global warming!!!. I was thinking that the NIPCC report was a lie and that the global warming is real, thanks for showing that here.
I have been following your posts since September 2013 and I think that they are very interesting. I like Astronomy, but I am not an expert. I am Engineer in Computer Science and maybe some day I’ll take some regular classes in the astronomy field. Thanks again and you just keep going because we need people like you. I’m sure that there are thousands that want to to do the right things too!!!
