Comments on: Looking For Narnia Brian Koberlein Tue, 19 Feb 2019 13:26:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jean Tate Mon, 25 Apr 2016 00:24:14 +0000 There is one kind of Narnia that observational astronomers can hope to glimpse: rare or unusual phenomena. And who knows, perhaps detailed follow-up will lead to a breakthrough in astrophysics?

Some of these can be deliberately searched for, e.g. Lorentz violations evident in different arrival times of gamma vs radio, say, from a distant GRB. Others may come from serendipitous discoveries, at least some of which may be made by citizen scientists; for example, “Green Peas”, discovered by Galaxy Zoo volunteers, who also organized themselves to do the initial follow-up work. Who knew? These weird compact galaxies, or rather their ancestors, may have done most of the ‘heavy lifting’ in ending the ‘Dark Ages’ (i.e. ionizing the intergalactic medium, at z~7?)!

By: Alipasha Sadri Sun, 24 Apr 2016 20:54:49 +0000 I have encountered people who believe that to be “open-minded” means to be “accepting” of anything that comes your way. If you provide counter-arguments or point out the flaws or uncertainties in their claims, they simply brand you as a “close minded” person. I think that the fact I care to study the subject and look for flaws (i.e. being skeptical of the claim) and spend time on providing a valid counterargument, is precisely *because* of me trying to keep an open mind.

By: geckzilla Sat, 23 Apr 2016 18:57:11 +0000 With the right drugs, anything is possible Brian… at least in your own brain. 😉
